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Georgia Thompson is a black female civil engineer working in the rail and construction industry. She has been in a number of articles and has contributed to a number of articles and studies. Most of them are listed below. 


Royal Family Twitter Account

Bam Nuttall was part of the WISE 20 judging panel in 2020. Georgia Thompson was the representative in choosing the final 20. As part of the celebrations, Georgia met Princess Anne on zoom. For international day of women and girls in science, the Royal Family's official twitter account, tweeted this photo.

The only two eyes..png

LinkedIn Article

A blog written by Georgia V. Thompson. 


To be inclusive you must be vulnerable. To lead you must be vulnerable. And vulnerability doesn't mean weakness. 


The Engineer

A new framework to increase the diversity and number of engineers. Design Coordinator, Georgia Thompson who works for Bam Nuttall shared how she saw a lack of female role models from diverse backgrounds when she embarked on her career. 

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Racism and Engineering: The stories behind the statistics, which aimed to not only explore the current state of representation in the engineering sector, but question what actions the sector needs to take to provide opportunities and welcome a more diverse cohort of engineers. 


In Your Area

Two individuals from Croydon have received nominations for awards revealing Britain’s outstanding black talent.


London News 

A civil engineer, a theatre director and a salesman are among the nominees for Britain’s top black business leaders this year.



Georgia Thompson tells us her views on the benefits diversity brings to business, and what people in leadership and HR can do to improve diversity in recruitment and retention 

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