Georgia V. Thompson CEng MICE
Civil Engineer, Inclusion Advocate, Speaker
Georgia Thompson is a black female civil engineer working in the rail and construction industry. She has been has been a part of a number of panel & talks. Most of them are listed below.
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Video & Panel Discussion: Careers Panel - Institute of Physics
Feb 2021
A 'talking head' video and panel to help teachers improve the diversity of careers physics could lead to. I shared my journey of taking physics and a level and shared some tips on how to engage young people in engineering.
Keynote: Violet Crime Prevention Board
March 2021
Keynote about my experiences starting two business as side hustles. What I learned and still learning about balancing and using my strengths to empower and boost me.
Panel Discussion: Let's Talk about being black - Bedford College
November 2020
Professional development session for Bedford College. As part of a panel of 3, I discussed my experiences of being black in the workplace.
Keynote: Staff Development - North Hertfordshire College
December 2020
Keynote about my experiences in engineering as a student and an industry professionals. Discussing some of the barriers, struggles and resilience I experienced.
STEM Rising Star Finalist - Black British Business Awards
October 2020
Georgia was nominated as a finalist in the Black British Business Awards 2020 for her work to date in the engineering industry.
Career In Engineering Talk
October 2020
Zoom assembly for Birchwood High School for year 9's.
Career In Engineering Talk
November 2020
Zoom assembly for Ashburton College
Diversity In Engineering - Engineering UK
‘Being Black in the workplace: a discussion’ - UpReach
August 2020
upReach hosted ‘Being Black in the workplace: a discussion’. The webinar addressed the barriers faced by the Black community in the UK and how to approach them. Our panel discussed many topics, including how to deal with microaggressions, the importance of being your authentic self and challenging imposter syndrome.
August 2020
Engineers without Boarders (EWB) hosted a panel discussion, Racism and Engineering: The stories behind the statistics, which aimed to not only explore the current state of representation in the engineering sector, but question what actions the sector needs to take to provide opportunities and welcome a more diverse cohort of engineers.
Social Media Campaigns - WISE
June 2020
There are now 1 million women working in core STEM roles across the UK. To celebrate this significant milestone and to recongise the important work being done by women in STEM, WISE has launched our new 1 of the Million campaign.
Career In Engineering Podcast
Nov 2018
Civil engineer and careers coach Georgia Thompson tells us her views on the benefits diversity brings to business, and what people in leadership and HR can do to improve diversity in recruitment and retention
Georgia works for an infrastructure company and writes for Virginia’s Thoughts, a platform for young people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). She will be speaking on the ‘Data and diversity’ panel at the ODI Summit
Nov 2018
Data and diversity - Panel Discussion
How and why can diversity be measured and promoted? Can diversity data help identify trends and highlight biases and discrimination? And how can any harmful effects be mitigated?
These questions and more were discussed on the Data and diversity panel at the ODI Summit 2018, chaired by ODI Head of Content Anna Scott.
Diversity & Inclusion In Engineering - ODI
Blog & Panel
CHAIN: Career in Engineering - Talk & Panel
Career In Engineering Talk
Oct 2018
I had work commitments preventing me from attending in person but with the use of technology I was able attend!
Career In Engineering Talk
June 2017
Rianna Price from Higher Bridge Learning invited me as a guest speaker to speak to a group of young girls.